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Team Bios

Senior scientist in the field of medical informatics at the University UMIT - University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology in Hall in Tirol, Austria. She is responsible for an online-based master programme in health information management and is thus especially interested on collaborative learning environments and on how to support learning processes in online-based environments. 

Instructional Designer & eLearning Project Manager in Halifax, Canada. As a courseware designer for the Department of National Defence and the development lead of a learning platform for adult basic education, Marcia is highly interested in the use of analytics to improve the online learning experience.

Information Technology teacher at Shenzhen (Nanshan) Concord College of Sino-Canada in Shenzhen, China. As an educator, Meghan is always striving to create better learning experiences for her students and believes the use of learning analytics can provide valuable insight to help guide her decisions.

Instructional Designer at a software company in Vancouver, Canada. As a designer of online training courses, Katie is keen on using learning analytics so she can create the best possible user experience and course content for learners. 

Instructional Designer at  Queen's University, Canada. Simon's role in the Teaching and Learning Team in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science involves providing support and guidance regarding the application of pedagogical, best practices to make online and blended courses immersive, engaging, and positive learning experience for students.